Thursday, February 27, 2025

Greg Walker - SOA



  1. Greg Walker
    Bud Gibson Hope to see you there, Bud. Your work is a labor of love and respect - and it is very well done. As SOF/SF historians we are blessed to ensure the legacy of so many - which in turn encourages, motivates, and promotes future generations. DOL!

  2. Bud Gibson
    Greg Walker I’m doing all I can to attend . I’m honored to even be recognized much less appreciated by you real historians! I’m just doing my part to preserve y’all’s legacies!
    True American heroes! All of you

  3. Greg Walker
    Bud Gibson Bud - you have become a real historian, my friend. When I started writing about SOG / SF now so many years ago my Intent was the same - preserve the stories and the legacies. On my end I was and remain privileged to have met, known, been trained by, and served with SOG/SF/RGR veterans - the writing and recording of their histories is a talent, a gift, and a privilege. Those who have done the same before us paved the way with their work - and history is always kinetic - new facts replace what may have once been denied, presented in error, or otherwise lost. And our work encourages those coming after us to review, relook, reexamine, and sometimes rewrite and expand the history once good research reveals it to us. See you in October -

  4. Hoa Pham
    Thanks for the nice picture and the most important is great friendship.
