is with great sadness we learned today of the passing of Major General
(Ret.) John K. Singlaub, former member of the Office of Strategic
Services, founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency and a
Distinguished Member of the Special Forces Regiment.
John K.
Singlaub was recruited by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in
November 1943. As part of JEDBURGH Team JAMES, he jumped into France on
11 August 1944 to arm and direct the French resistance. Sent to China,
as the commander of the PIGEON Mission, he jumped onto Hainan Island on
27 August 1945 to rescue Dutch and Australian Prisoners of War. As one
of a handful of Special Operations Branch personnel retained the
Strategic Services Unit (successor to the OSS), Singlaub stayed in China
to report on the Civil War.
Singlaub was again involved in
special operations when he was an instructor at Fort Benning, Georgia
and helped to establish the Ranger Training Center in 1950. He then had
two tours in Korea, including one with the Central Intelligence Agency’s
Joint Advisory Commission, Korea (JACK).
Singlaub returned to
special operations in from 1966-1968, when he commanded a joint
unconventional warfare command, the Military Assistance Command,
Vietnam, Studies and Observation Group (MACV-SOG). Retiring in 1978,
Major General Singlaub has remained active in the Special Operations
community and was recognized with the United States Special Operations
Command’s (USSOCOM) Bull Simons award in 2011.
Our thoughts and prayers our with his family and friends.
Singlaub as a young OSS commando during
the Second World War (USASOC).
John Singlaub, American commando and leader, dies at 100
Major General (Retired) John Singlaub, a legendary commando who left his impact on the U.S. special operations community, passed away aged 100.
The American commando died peacefully surrounded by his loving wife Joan and his children at 0700 on Saturday.
Singlaub’s passing marks an end of an era as the commando was one of the few special operators who had fought in World War Two, Korea, and Vietnam.
A Special Operations Legend
Singlaub joined the Army as a second lieutenant in the infantry immediately upon graduating from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1943.
He quickly stood out by his energy and toughness and was selected for service in the elite Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a military and intelligence unit that specialized in special operations; the OSS is the direct precursor of the Army Special Forces—nicked named the “Green Berets”—and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
He fought behind enemy lines in Europe and distinguished himself time and again with his grit and leadership. He was part of the Allied commandos who facilitated the breakout of Allied forces from Normandy in the summer of 1944 after the D-Day landings.
Once the war in Europe ended in May 1945, Singlaub sought more action in the Pacific against Imperial Japan. He led a team behind enemy lines in Japanese-occupied China to locate and rescue Allied prisoners of war.
With the war’s end, Singlaub was one of the very few OSS commandos who was selected to continue to serve in the Strategic Services Unit (SSU), a small organization that replaced the OSS and was absorbed by the CIA in 1952.
“Maj. Gen. Singlaub is a legend among SOF warriors, a forefather of the modern day Green Beret, and has had a long and distinguished career and history in Special Operations. He served in the office of strategic services (OSS) in WWII in both France and China,” Major General Miguel Correa had said during the first presentation of the Maj. Gen. Singlaub Award.
When the Korean War broke out, Singlaub went into action once again, serving with the secretive Joint Advisory Commission, Korea (JACK) and conducting covert action operations against North Korea and China. During his two combat tours in Korea, he also commanded an infantry battalion.
But his greatest challenge lay ahead in the jungles of Southeast Asia.
Chief SOG
While Army infantrymen and Marine grunts were fighting the North Vietnamese and Vietcong in the jungles and rice patties of South Vietnam, the innocuous-sounding Military Assistance Command Vietnam-Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) was taking the fight to the enemy.
Established in 1964 and authorized to conduct covert cross-border operations in Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and North Vietnam—where U.S. troops weren’t supposed to be—SOG was a highly classified organization, its activities covert.
Recon Team Idaho, a SOG team, taking a picture. John Stryker Meyer standing tall in the back (Courtesy picture).
Composed of Army Special Forces operators, Navy SEALs, and Air Commandos, SOG special operators fought alongside a dedicated group of local mercenaries, conducting strategic reconnaissance, direct action, and unconventional warfare operations behind enemy lines. They mainly targeted the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a complex stretching for hundreds of miles above ground and underground, from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam.
In 1966, Singlaub was picked to lead the covert organization Chief SOG.
“During the eight-year secret war, there were five OICs [officers-in-charge] for MACV-SOG, dubbed Chief SOG. Jack served as Chief SOG from 1966 until early August 1968, replaced by Col. Stephen Cavanaugh. As Chief SOG Jack fought the bureaucracy to get close air support for SOG teams. He fought with the State Dept. to have our teams better armed in Cambodia in the early days of the operation,” John Stryker Meyer, a legendary Green Beret, told Sandboxx News.
There are many traits that make a good leader: Vision and moral courage are some. But a good leader isn’t necessarily beloved by his or her men. Those leaders that earn both the love and respect of their men are a rare breed indeed. One trait that they possess is empathy and sympathy for their men. They truly care about them and their well-being. They understand that a true leader is there to serve his men and not the other way around. Singlaub was such a leader.
Major General John Singlaub retired in 1978 (
“He always cared deeply about the men who served under him. For example, Doug ‘the Frenchman’ LeTourneau and I had lunch with Jack, his wife Joan and Debra, Joan’s daughter. Joan told Jack that Doug was battling Stage 4 bone marrow cancer and was having some issues with the VA at the time. Jack pulled out his cell phone, dialed a rare-cancer doctor in Houston who specialized in that cancer. The doctor took Jack’s call and following Jack’s request, he examined Doug 4 times and monitored his condition until he died from heat exposure-related causes July 26, 2019,” Meyer told Sandboxx News.
Meyer has written extensively about his experiences with SOG in Southeast Asia. His books “Across the Fence: The Secret War in Vietnam,” “On The Ground: The Secret War in Vietnam,” “SOG Chronicles,” offer a rare and thrilling insight into the war these American commandos fought against all odds. During SOG operations, it wasn’t uncommon for the small recon teams to be dodging hundreds and thousands of enemy troops.

“Jack will be remembered as a tough, fearless operator. Highly respected by all. His book documents how he combatted communism throughout his military career, where as a student at UCLA before the start of WW II he ran into and disliked/distrusted communists he met there. During WW II in France, behind enemy lines he had serious concerns about them, ditto Korea, as Chief SOG, and during his time fighting communism in Central and South America. He is a role model for all of us,” Meyer added.
Singlaub was a true leader, always leading from the front. When SOG was testing the Skyhook exfiltration method, during which a C-130 aircraft flying at 500ft pulled a commando or agent from the ground, Singlaub insisted that he was the first to try the highly dangerous technique.
During his illustrious career, Singlaub earned the Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, the Legion of Merit, the Air Medal, and Bronze Star. He played a key part in the establishment of the Ranger Training Center. Honoring his legacy and contribution to the U.S. special operations community, in 2016, the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) established the MG John K. Singlaub/Jedburgh Award in order to recognize exceptional members of the Army commando community.
A century on earth is a long time. Singlaub made the best out of it.

Rất buồn khi nghe tin Tướng Singlaub đã qua đời ở tuổi 100. Cuôc đời binh nghiệp cũa Ông ta là một tấm gương sáng cho mọi quân nhân trên toàn thế giới, không giới hạn ở Hoa Kỳ mà thôi.
ReplyDeleteTôi được biết Tướng Singlaub ( lúc này còn Đ/tá) trong suốt thời gian làm Chief SOG (1966-1968). Mỗi lần qua họp với Đ/tá Hổ, tôi đều gặp Ông tại VP/GĐ. Tôi còn nhớ rõ vài kỷ niệm khó quên trong thời gian này. Đ/tá Hổ và Đ/tá Singlaub rất thân tình với nhau, ngoài công vụ. Đ/tá Hổ thỉnh thoảng mời riêng Ông ta qua nhậu tại BCH Nha tại VP/GĐ, vào buổi chiều sau khi tan sở, với những món nhậu thuần túy VN, như "Ngọc Dương", tức là "Dái Dê', hay Đuông chiên nước mắm, v.v...Tôi hỏi tại sao, Đ/tá Hổ trả lời là phải mời Ông ta những món đặc biệt mà người Mỹ không bao giỡ được ăn. Có lần mời một số lớn nhân viên SOG và phái đoàn HK tại BCH/Nha và được khoản đải với thịt bò nướng trên lưởi cuốc và ngói mới v.v..theo kiểu miền nam VN. Mọi người tham dự đều ngạc nhiên và vui thích. Những chuyện này và không kể bao nhiêu những kỷ niệm khác nữa rẩt ít người biết trong sự sinh hoạt giữa NKT và SOG.. Vào 1975, gia đình Đ/tá Hổ đươc Đ/tá Singlaub bảo trợ. Riêng tôi, lúc còn ở trại tỵ nạn Indiantown Gap. PA, Tướng Singlaub lúc này Tư lệnh môt Quân Đoàn tại Denver, có cho SQ Tùy viên liên lạc với tôi và muốn kiếm một SQ cựu nhân viên SOG để bảo trợ gia đình tôi, nhưng lúc này, tôi đã có người bảo trợ tại NC. Sau này, tôi cũng có liên lạc với VP tai Denver để chuyến lại cho Ông mẩy tấm hinh, trong đó có tấm hình lễ trao tăng Bảo Quốc Huân Chương Đệ Ngũ Đẳng do Đ/Tướng CVViên tại BTTM. Tôi cũng nhờ Tướng Singlaub cho biết tôi có thể tham gia vào Quân Đôi HK không và sau khi liên lạc với Tướng Robert Kingston đang làm CHT/TTHL/LLĐB tại Ft Bragg và cho biết lúc này không có chương trình này. Tôi có làm việc chung với Tướng Kingston, lúc này còn Trg/tá, phụ trách OP34/SOG, dưới thời kỳ Tướng Singlaub làm Chief, SOG. Tướng Kingston về hưu với cấp bậc Đ/tướng 4 sao. Lần cuối cùng tại BCH/Nha, vào khoãng 1969/70, Tướng Singlaub, lúc này 1 sao, Tư lệnh một LĐ/HK có đến thăm Đ/tá ĐVNu và tôi cũng có cơ hội gặp lại Ông ta. Tôi chia sẽ với Hòa những chi tiết này vì biết Hòa thâu lươm tin tức về NKT/SOG và các hoạt đông đặc biệt liên hệ. (Hình như tôi đã chuyễn cho Hòa lá thơ cũa Ông ta gừi cho NKT về cá nhân tôi, và hình lúc Ông ta trỡ lại thăm tại BCH/Nha)
Một lần nữa chúc Hòa và gia đình một Tết vui vé và một năm mới Bình An va Hạnh phúc.