AS OF 1 June 2024 (Subject to Change)
Thursday, 10 October: TBD: Movement of QM items to Orleans storage room
Friday, 11 October: TBD: Movement of SOA Items from Vegas storage to Orleans Hotel
Saturday, 12 October: TBD: Onsite Material Organization and Equipment Testing at the Orleans Hotel
Sunday, 13 October:
0800-1200: SOA/SOAF Board and Special Staff Meeting (Board Room) President Godshall
0800-2100: SOA Video History Project (Suite TBD) Dennis Cummings
0800-1200: Vendor Setup (Vendor Area, Mardi Gras Ballroom)
Monday, 14 October:
0800-1200: SOA/SOAF Board and Special Staff Meeting (Board Room) President Godshall
0800-2100: SOA Video History Project (Suite TBD) Dennis Cummings
0900-1700: Quartermaster Store Bob Daniels
0900-1700: Registration Activities (Registration Area) Ivan Davis
0900-2400: Hospitality Room (Mardi Gras Ballroom) open bar
Tuesday, 15 October:
0800-2100: SOA Video History Project (Suite TBD) Dennis Cummings
0800-0930: Prayer Breakfast (Suite TBD) Chaplain Dale Hanson
0900-1700: Quartermaster Store Bob Daniels
0900-1700: Registration Activities (Registration Area) Ivan Davis
0900-2400: Hospitality Room (Mardi Gras Ballroom), open bar
1000-1200: Operation Tailwind Jim Moriarty
1300-1500: Authors’ Reading Event (Free), Esplanade Room Dan Thompson
1730-2130: Entertainment Event John Russell
Wednesday, 16 October:
0800-2100: SOA Video History Project (Suite TBD) Dennis Cummings
0900-1700: Quartermaster Store Bob Daniels
0900-1700: Registration Activities (Registration Area) Ivan Davis
0900-2400: Hospitality Room (Mardi Gras Ballroom), open bar
1000-1200: POWMIA David Gordon
1200-1300: Lunch (Mardi Gras Ballroom)
1300-1500: SOAFAC Vicki Chan-Padgett
1330-1500: SOA General Membership Meeting (Esplanade Room) President Godshall
1500-1630: Return to Vietnam (immediately following the GMM) Larry Trimble
1630-1730: Liquor Tasting Horace Boner
1930: SOAF Bowling Tournament John “Doc” Padgett
AS OF 1 June 2024 (Subject to Change)
Thursday, 17 October:
0800-0930: CCS Breakfast Don Haase
0800-1200: SOA Video History Project (Suite TBD) Dennis Cummings
0900-1200: SOA Quartermaster Store (closed for inventory) Bob Daniels
0900-1200: Registration Activities (Registration Area) Ivan Davis
0900-1200: Hospitality Room (Mardi Gras Ballroom), open bar
1000-1100: SOA Health and Welfare Symposium, Esplanade Room Doc Padgett, Ann Duff
1100-1200: Aviation Symposium, Esplanade Room Brian Cohen
NLT 1200: All Vendors must be out of Mardi Gras Ballroom
1300-1400: Rehearsals (Mardi Gras Ballroom) President Godshall
1530-1720: Cocktails (Esplanade Room)
1730-2030: SOAR Banquet
2030-2400: Hospitality Room (Mardi Gras Ballroom), open bar
Friday, 18 October:
0800-1200: Movement of SOA property to Storage Facility Volunteers
1200: Hotel Check-out
MONDAY – WEDNESDAY 0900 – 1700;
THURSDAY 0900 – 1200
The following vendors have been invited to participate in SOAR XLVIII, each will offer a variety of
products and services. Everyone is encouraged to visit their tables.
Covington Combat Weapons
CR3 Concepts
Excalibur Industries
Green Beret Foundation
Hang Tough Ornaments
Heritage Collectibles
Jason Hardy
Las Vegas Veterans Center
Memorial 3 Gun Foundation
National Cemetery Association
POP Smoke Coffee
Save the Montagnard People (STMP)
Savage Design Games
Smith & Wesson
SOA Authors table
SOA Foundation & Auxiliary
SOA Quartermaster
SOA Riders
SOA Table Raffle
SOA Video History & Archives
SOG Sales
Special Operations Group
Special Ops Technologies
USSOCOM Care Coalition
Veterans Mortgage